water technologies light technologies sound technologies shelters technologies energy technologies industry technologies

Spa and Retreat developmentmarketinglighting designinterior design multimedia seminar leadersbusiness development

Past Projects

The Energistx Team is a powerful synergy of professional consultants, technicians, scientists and engineers working together to make a difference in the world. From marketing, research and development, and promotions to music, lighting, and aquatic environments. All of our associates share a common goal to understand, revision and empower your organization's effectiveness in a changing world that needs fresh perspective. We choose our consultants based on experience, dependability, creativity, and integrity...

Past Projects of Our Team

Halle Blessing: CEO and Co-Founder of Energistx, Renewable Energy Systems Integration, New Technologies Marketing and Manufacturing Research and Development, Whole Systems "Green" Design Specialist for Industry, Commercial, Municipalities and Communities, Aquatic Environment Specialist, Technological Engineering Collaborative Director

Past Projects

The Watsu Center at Harbin Hot Springs was built in 2002. Halle became involved with the project soon after the first phase of development had been completed. The obvious need for practical integration and problem solving in the areas of Space Design, Interiors, Aquatic Environment Improvements, Landscape Design, and Management Style led to a 2 year commitment and Labor of Love at the Center. Halle and His wife, with thier combined skills and dynamic synergy co-created the systems and environments that countless Aquatic Therapy Students and Event Goers are still enjoying today. Thier presence lives on at the Center in the Lovingly crafted environments, website, and management systems.



Angela Blessing : Interior Design, Special Events Planning, Catering, Business Development, Technical Writing, Branding, Marketing, Management Structure and Training, Leadership Development, Xperience Spa Treatment Packages, "Fun" Shui, Seminar and Curriculum Development, Aquatic Therapy Trainings Planner

Angela Blessing, President of Energistx, is a creative powerhouse and a presence of undeniable integrity and depth. Her multifaceted background as a respected ceremonialist, artist, life-coach, shamanistic jewelery designer, sought-after caterer, hospitalities, healing arts and educational industry manager led her into a culminative approach to her work and life mission as one of the founders and developers of Energistx. Her life time spiritual approach to Life as Art has galvanized a standard of excellence in the design and implementation of the Healing Environment, visually, administratively, and energetically.

Brimming with potent ideas, creative solutions, and the ability to successfully motivate and enroll people, Angela leads by example and heartfulness in ways beyond her years. Her unique writing style continues to be the public voice of Energistx, moving people into action that effects positive change in the lives of thousands throughout the globe.

Angela, through her leadership approach of empowerment and effective communication, facilitates the co-creation of high-energy and inspirational healing environments and organizations. She is unwaveringly dedicated to her clients, community and the healthy evolution of the Spa and Retreat Industry. Angela Blessing's greatest joy, and greatest asset, is her propensity to understand, uplift and beautify wherever she engages, to the benefit of all.


Brooks Cole: Web Design, Logos, eBranding, Graphics, Streaming Video, Broadcast Designs, Flash, Patented Navigation Technologies

With 21 years experience in communications design and over a decade of experience in interactive design, Brooks is the founder and creative force behind HoloCosmos - a power circle of media magicians at the cutting-edge of human-computer interaction.

Brooks is an electrifying presenter, speaker and advocate of the potential of emerging forms of dynamic, immersive networked Knowledge Media to empower individuals and organizations and effect positive change in business, education, society and environment. His highly visual presentations combine groundbreaking media projects with prototypes which provide windows into the future of digital media technology. While studying Marketing and Design at the University of Denver as a Boettcher Scholar, Brooks developed a new theory of human perception that presaged current developments in digital media and virtual reality technology. From this, Brooks formed the vision of "MindSphere" as a means for individuals to visualize and interact freely in immersive and responsive globally networked media environments, a "historical inevitability," as he describes it, which will flower in our lifetimes.

In 1981, Brooks founded WBC Communication Design to serve clients in Financial, Healthcare, Hotels, Manufacturing and other industries. Brooks formed MindSphere the company, a leading Bay Area interactive media developer, in 1993 to implement his vision and apply his principles to the service of clients, providing them with new ways to communicate, conduct business, entertain and learn interactively. MindSphere has assisted numerous businesses in the deployment of commerce, entertainment, and knowledge-sharing solutions, including Hewlett-Packard (17-site web system for three divisions), TV Guide OnScreen (ITV Electronic Program Guide), Microsoft (Broadband ITV Navigator for kids), Macromedia (Package and collateral design, interactive tradeshow demos), SGI/Time-Warner (ITV user testing applications), Oracle (ITV consulting, CD-ROM design and animation), VLSI Technology (web system redesign and standards), LSI Logic (web system redesign and standards), 3Com (web system redesign and standards, interface for 3Com Park Touchscreen Kiosks), MS2 (web application interface design, web system design, branding, collateral, promotions), Intuit (interactive product demos), and DIVA Systems (ITV network navigator, architecture, branding, promotions).

With HoloCosmos, Brooks has followed on this success with Flash Communication System development for GE Capital, GE Commercial Finance, GE Consumer Finance, Backweb Technologies, NetTV, TV-Centric Media-On-Demand interface development for Lumenati, OnNet Corporation, and Sonic Solutions; media package design for Enlightenment.com/Ken Wilber, intranet design for GE, Barclay's Global Investors, eCommerce marketing development and affiliate programming for Grassland Beef, web design for The California School for International Learning, author George Dalzell, Immunology Lecturer Sondra Barrett, PhD., and many other clients.

Brooks holds a U.S. Patent on the "Visual Navigation of Information Objects" and is currently developing intellectual property for the next generation of media handling tools, systems and content applications to discern, track and model user intent and make interactive media more meaningful and relevant. His areas of development include "Knowledge Objects," an electronic curriculum standard combining realtime online interaction, 3D gamelike navigation and DVD/Streaming digital video; a VR knowledge finder for dynamic navigation of spatial information arrays; a 3D Music Universe Navigator for exploring dimensional relationships and affinities in MP3 libraries; a planet-based interface for geospatial data navigation; a navigator for historical and time-based information as an explorable landscape; and an engine for the delivery of dynamically edited and composited "MetaMedia" fashioned on-the-fly from multiple mediatypes and sources.

Business Development:

Alexander Carpenter: Business Development, Change Management, Information Systems, Financial Stategies for Freedom, Personal Development Trainer, Executive Coach

Alexander Carpenter is a business development consultant who specializes in helping growing, successful businesses overcome their coherence and scalability challenges and become successful larger - sometimes much larger - companies. His ultimate deliverable is enhanced success.

Alexander works with owners and managers of established businesses and funded startups to apply grounded modern managerial accounting and performance-measures approaches to reveal and dispel the conceptual, structural, and cultural limits that established habit and inertia maintain. This liberates them from the command-and-control and heroic-overwork models that limit their business success.

He brings over three decades of entrepreneurial, consulting, and leadership experience in business, including executive management and consulting positions with extensive work with clients. He has worked with over a hundred companies with diverse business models, and found common elements of opportunity to gently and decisively change their fates, and those of their owners and managers. He has direct operating experience in marketing, retail sales and services, product and project management, strategic and tactical financial and operational planning and execution using financial scoreboards and dashboards and key performance indicators, agreement and contract preparation, enterprise software development and implementation, performance-based compensation, workflow optimization, business-plan preparation, and organizational development.

Alexander's work with his clients results in integrated business intelligence systems that ground and optimize a culture of learning, measured accomplishment, and shared success. We generate a master plan that is comprehensive, coherent, and credible, and implement that plan with total integrity, creative joy, and high return on investment.
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Interior Design

Janice and Danielle Stango: Artful Interior Design, Custom Designer Furniture and Altar Artists, Sacred Space Specialists






Jayne Taylor: Award-winning Faux Finishes and Color Design for Interiors and Exteriors






Architectural Lighting and Sculpture

Lynn Augustien : Light and Color Designer and Consultant, Researcher and Lecturer on Effects of Color on Human Consciousness and Health





Multimedia and Graphics

Padma: "World Sound" Creator and Producer, Root Language Linguist and Interpreter, Transformative Mutimedia Wizard, Sacred Site Expedition Leader and Researcher





Workshop Leaders and Instructors

Mihai Manolui : "Free Music Framework" and "Foundations in Musical Language" developer and Instructor, Multi-instrumentalist, Improviser, and Composer


Mihai Manoliu graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984, and continued his musical journey by exploring instruments from diverse cultures: guitars: 6 & 12-string, nylon, electric; fretless bass, sitar, hand percussion and his latest passions (kora, sarod, and oud). Mihai's dedication to teaching began over twenty-five years ago and continues to inspire his work on the FREE MUSIC FRAMEWORK. This work evolved out of Mihai's research in teaching music, originally funded by the prestigous MIT Eloranta Award. Humanistic psychology, Jazz theory, and Indian classical music are integrated to form a method based on improvisation in an open, cross-cultural framework.
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Please check back with us as we continue to build Our Teams section of the website. Thanks for your patience!

